November 24, 2023

How to use ChatGPT for Thought Leadership

As an entrepreneur with a passion for innovation, I've found a very useful way to utilize AI, specifically ChatGPT, in crafting insightful articles. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at how I transform AI-generated content into compelling thought leadership pieces. And since today is Black Friday, completely free-of-charge 😁

Step 1: Research with Precision

I start by using ChatGPT with Bing to find five recent articles on a subject, ensuring that the content is fresh and relevant. Repeat and/or refine your search until you have a few articles there that you find interesting.

This step is crucial for staying ahead in the information race. It also limits me having to read many sources out there. If you read an article before that you want to include, simply ask ChatGPT to add it to the list.

Step 2: Synthesizing information

Next, I check the resulting articles (making sure I don't use information from websites I don't trust) and ask ChatGPT to summarize the most intriguing ones into a concise paragraph. This step is handy to get the main points of the articles combined, which will be handy later on.

Step 3: Cross-Referencing for depth

To add depth, I pick another topic for cross-referencing and repeat the first two steps. This method opens doors to unique perspectives, drawing parallels that are often overlooked.

It is also what makes your articles stand out from all the AI generated, generic content. This is part of what makes it uniquely you.

Step 4: Crafting the article

With a clear vision in mind, I then instruct ChatGPT to draft an article, infusing it with my insights and perspectives. This collaboration ensures the article is not just informative but also reflective of my understanding and stance on the topics.

Arguably this is the most important step in making the article stand out and solidifying your unique take on things, making it human.

Step 5: Refinement for quality

AI is powerful, but it isn't perfect. I usually refine the draft by asking ChatGPT to make specific improvements, like reducing the use of adjectives. This step sharpens the article, making it more impactful and reader-friendly.

Step 6: The human touch

Finally, the most crucial step: I edit the article by hand. This personal touch adds warmth and personality, transforming the AI-generated draft into a piece that resonates with my audience on a human level.

Things I usually change are specific uses of language that I don't like, or would say in a different tone. It takes longer to have ChatGPT do this than do it by hand. I also somehow have the feeling (read: illusion) that this introduces things that ChatGPT would not easily include, due to low probability.

Example: RPA tools on Black Friday

As an example, I posted about Black Friday being a great way for entrepreneurs to get started with business automation.

That post was created along the process outlines of this article. It started out with me researching some information about hyper-automation using ChatGPT. That led me to RPA tools being a popular way to start business automation.

Then I connected that with the idea that some of those tools might be discounted on Black Friday. This unique combination gave me the article by further following the steps outlined in this article.

Conclusion: ChatGPT is the assistant in my pocket

When I used to write articles, they would take a long time to research. Especially when you want to provide a unique take. AI has made this process much faster, allowing me to focus on the unique angle. Which is what I like most about writing articles anyway.

I hope that you find this process useful too, to present your own unique ideas to others. And to keep standing out in a world where generic, 13-in-a-dozen AI generated articles will be practically free to create.

Next week: how I use AI to generate images to accompany my posts.

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