
Mark Hulshof

Mark Hulshof is a serial entrepreneur, and, not completely co-incidentally, my co-founder at Triggre.


The Pilot

Dec 6, 2023
Mark Hulshof

The Pilot

In the first introductory episode, Jesse speaks to fellow Triggre co-founder Mark Hulshof about the early days of running a business and the hilarious stumbles that come along.

Mark, a self-proclaimed father of three, gym junkie, and business creative, shares his experience of selling his first software company and the subsequent buyer's decision to scrap it completely a couple days later.

This eye-opening "Alice Through the Looking Glass" experience is far from unique. Mark had just uncovered a common disconnect in the software realm: the vast gap between customer expectations and the realistic time and financial investment they require.

Tune in to learn more about his experience and discover his advice to entrepreneurs launching their software MVP!

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